Jasper City Council June 2018

Jasper City Council June 2018

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Jasper City Council June 2018

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[ June 04, 2018 ] AGENDA

Before meeting is called to order, swear in of newly elected council - Kirk Raffield

I. Call meeting to order
II. Invocation
III. Pledge of Allegiance
IV. Adopt agenda
V. Read minutes of May 7th, 2018 regular meeting
A. Lisa Hoyle
VI. Old Business
A. Perrow/Roper/Pool property
1. Sonny Proctor
B. Doris Wigington Park committee update
1. John Foust and Anne Sneve
C. Alcohol license approval ? Exxon Convenience Store
1. Sonny Underwood
D. City court failure to appear fee
1. Attorney Bill Pickett
E. Alcohol ordinance amendment (brewery) - first reading
1. Attorney Bill Pickett
F. Water line installation ? Appalachian Ct. to Twin Mt. Lake Rd.
1. David Hall
VII. New Business
A. Annual audit presentation
1. Sam Latimer, Rushton & Company
B. Agreed-upon procedures presentation ? Pickens Chamber
1. Sam Latimer, Rushton & Company
C. Zoning ordinance amend (brewery) - C-2/M-1
1. Jim Looney
D. Alcohol license fee (brewery) approval
1. Jim Looney
E. Planning Commission Report
1. Sonny Underwood
F. Paving project 2018-001 bid approval
1. Lonnie Waters
G. Blight ordinance
1. Attorney Bill Pickett
H. Reduced rate application
1. Lisa Hoyle
VIII. Mayor?s Report
A. Finance Report
1. Lisa Hoyle
B. Roads/Other Report
1. Lonnie Waters
C. Police Report
1. Chief Greg Lovell
D. Fire Report
1. Chief Steve Roper
IX. Adjourn

Events to Know

Help Crown David & Karrie!Chamber Business After Hours
Ribbon Cutting:  Prestige PediatricsPMH Radiation Oncology Center Ribbon CuttingMardi Gras in the Mountains